Lost Dog

Published on 4 January 2023 at 12:01

Have you ever experienced losing your dog?  I'm referring to them being lost!  Such a sad and scary situation.  2 days ago, while walking my lovely "bigs" I dropped one of the leashes.  Our old lady Nora who has dementia and is mostly deaf started trotting with speed away from me.  Great!!!! 6 other dogs over 40lbs all on leashes in my hand.  Ok let's do this. I start calling her name and running after her and she is just out of my reach and showing no signs of stopping.  Thankfully I was faster than her but sheesh, I was scared she was running into the forest and gone for good.  So, what can you do if you do lose your pet?

Social media blast!!!! If you haven't already, join your local lost and found animals in your area as well as your "neighborhood" Nextdoor.  These are great resources to reach as many people as possible and fast! Pawboost.com is another like-minded website built specifically to reunite pets and owners.  

Signs!!!!! Simple signs everywhere.  Basic information listed should be large and easily readable.  You can include a picture and a very brief description of the pet and of course your contact info.  I mean BIG signs, posterboard size.  Most people here drive, not walk and to see a regular paper sign on a pole is pretty impossible to read at a glance.  Keep it simple, yet informative.

Notify local shelters and veterinarians as well and call Daily to check.  Trust me, despite the good intentions of these offices they are very busy to be able to communicate the lost pet to staff and be on the lookout.  

There are trackers too, many use a service to track your pet.  This does require them to wear a collar.  There are devices such as an implanted microchips that pulls up your information and your veterinarian.  These are placed by your local veterinarian.  

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