Essential Oils, are they safe for dogs? Good question. I have been dabbling with essential oils for years. I have always used Doterra. I'm by no means endorsing the brand name, but they are a highly reputable company that sources it products from all natural native grown ingredients to make the essential oils. Knowing they are pure, without fillers not only have I used them but also used them in my home and on my own animals, specifically my dogs. Why would one choose to use essential oils for their dogs? Anxiety, hyperactivity, skin irritations, allergies, upset stomachs are a few ailments that I have personally used these products for and are familiar with the results.
- Lavendar oil. Not only is it good for just dog odor, but it also has the benefits of calming effects. Helpful for the furry friends with anxiety. Trips to the vet, car sickness, or sleep issues are all situations where Lavendar oil can be very beneficial. Aromatherapy of the oil helps to "administer" a diluted form of the oil, so the pet tolerates it. Remember, dogs specifically, have nose sense. Meaning their olfactory senses are heightened, with the ability to smell undetectable odors to humans. "Dogs have 300 million olfactory receptors, compared to humans who have only six million." According to National Geographic, Jacki Brown. As well calming the dog internally it is also used to help remedy skin irritations or heal wounds.
- Peppermint Oil is useful in treating fleas! It's actually found in many flea repellants that are sold on the market. Can also be used for nausea and soothing upset tummies, helps to soothe sore muscles, energize animals, promote easy of breathing, and freshen breath.
- Chamomile Oil is known for its ability to help with inflammation. This can be skin irritation, burns, wounds, ulcers, or eczema. Also is similar to lavender oil with its calming effects.
- Frankincense Oil, yes, this amazing beneficial oil is also ok for Doggs. According to Dr. Pamquist, chief of integrative health services at Centinela Animal Hospital in Inglewood, California says using frankincense oil in some pet cancers can be beneficial. As well as its ability to be antimicrobial, it can help dogs with poor immune systems from getting sick.
- Cedarwood Oil works as a natural pest repellent. Can help with circulation to help alleviate [ainful arthritis, helps top regrow hair and decrease dandruff, and can help with anxiety to help calm the dog.
- Helichrysum helps to decrease bleeding, boosts heart health, and helps wo rejuvenate skin issues like wounds, dryness, irritations.
How do you use essential oils? Remember, dogs are very sensitive. You want to use cautiously on any puppies, less than 10 weeks, or very elderly dogs or pregnant dogs. If none of that is an issue then think dilute, dilute! If putting on the skin it should be diluted in a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. Try a small amount to start with and don't apply directly to skin without the carrier oil, to decrease any chance of irritation or worse a chemical burn. Diffusing oils is always easier, but also very diluted. If you think you can smell the oil easily it's probably too strong for the dog. Dilute it more, get the pets used to the scent. You can always apply 1 single drop to their collar or dog bed or add to a spray bottle of water and spray on the fur.
If you are in search of a salve to help with skin irritation, wounds, ulcers, or rashes here is one our family recommends.
Bella's Boo boo balm. Made with coconut oil, extra virgin olive organic bees wax, organic vitamin e oil, organic rosehip seed oil, organic calendula oil, essential oils of helichrysum, frankincense, lavender, and myrrh.
Bella's Boo Boo Balm Order Form
Be sure to refer to your veterinarian for uses and potential side effects before using.
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